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Published and Forthcoming Poems

'The Art of Splinters', BBC Radio 3, September 2014.

'The Art of Splinters', The Poetry Society, September 2014.

'The Binomial Test', Poetry Book Society Student Poetry Competition Anthology 2013, Selected by Daljit Nagra, 2013.

"The Metaphysical poets showed us how our most intimate experiences can find their parallel in the most dispassionate language. I love the outrageously humorous and moving experience of considering the pain of love in terms of a Binomial Test. A’ Level Statistics has never felt this compelling as the poet considers the pain of love in terms of percentages and then casually abandons the conceit to seemingly mock the complex question approach of scenario-based Mathematics questions." - Daljit Nagra

'The Miracle of Mould'The Poetry Society, 2018.

'Snowdrops', The Poetry Society - podcast series, (Autumn 2018).

'Heart of Litter', The Poetry Society - podcast series, (Autumn 2018).

'Sword & spine'The Poetry Society

'Dawn', The Poetry Society

'Skin'The Poetry Society

'The River', Foxglove Journal, June 25, 2017.



'Dear Body', The Emma Press

'Hearts for Sale', Creative Future

'The Miracle of Mould', End UK Hunger, 2018.

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